Monday, October 02, 2006

Easing into retirement

A few interesting stats from Day of Reckoning in today's Wall Street Journal:
[A]ccording to Gallup's annual survey of workers' retirement plans, the portion of nonretired adults who say they intend to retire after age 65 is now the highest it has ever been -- 31% in the most recent survey, up from 12% in 1995.

[A] Gallup Poll in June . . . found 63% of nonretired people plan to work in retirement, mostly (51%) part time.

A Gallup Poll this year found 60% of Americans are very or moderately worried about funding retirement. "The only issue that comes close to this is being able to pay for medical care in the event of a serious accident or illness," the Gallup analyst wrote. Just 50% of working adults say they expect to have enough money to live comfortably in retirement, down from 59% five years earlier, according to Gallup.

A separate poll, also conducted this spring, found that most (60%) of those expressing little or no concern about their retirement finances say they likely will work in retirement. A commanding 71% of nonretired adults with postgraduate education say they likely will work in retirement, compared with 64% for those with some college education and 60% for those with no college.

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