Friday, April 03, 2009

Speaking of Business

The online archives of American Heritage, spanning half a century, are a welcome resource. Check out this collection of quotations regarding business and money compiled by Hugh Rawson and Margaret Miner.

They include this thought from Peter Cooper that wealth managers might share with their clients:
Cooper, whose many business accomplishments included building the first steam locomotive in America and introducing the Bessemer blast furnace in this country, is remembered best for founding the Cooper Union school in New York City. He used to say that his life fell into three parts: 30 years to get started, 30 years to gain a fortune, and 30 years to dispose of it wisely.
American Heritage magazine has had its share of near-death experiences but still attempts to limp along, at least online. See John Steele Gordon's new column, Wall Street’s 10 Most Notorious Rogues.

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