Monday, January 03, 2011

Everything You Need to Remember About 2010

I missed Dave Barry's Year in Review in yesterday's Washington Post magazine. Maybe you missed the Capitol Steps New Year's Eve broadcast. Be sure to check out both.

Sample of Barry's financial coverage:
… the big financial news is the May 6 stock market "Flash Crash." The Dow at one point is down nearly 1,000 points, including a drop of 600 points in five minutes, resulting in what financial analysts say is the largest mass purchase of emergency replacement underwear in Wall Street history. The Securities and Exchange Commission investigates the crash and later issues a 350-page report concluding: "You know that E-Trade baby? In the commercials? With the grown man's voice? That baby is REAL."

Illustration from Dave Barry's Year in Review

1 comment:

Jim Gust said...

Here's another thing I missed. If you had your stocks sold during the flash crash as a result of a stop loss order, you cannot avoid the tax consequences. Lots of people apparently had unwanted gains, even in the declining market.