Friday, October 19, 2012

Elder Abuse for the Man Who Once Ran Salomon Brothers?

At 98, William Salomon still goes to the office provided him by Citigroup. (Sandy Weill acquired Salomon Brothers along with Travelers as he built his universal bank.)

With the office came a secretary who kept track of Mr. Salomon's appointments and paid his bills. Karen Febles is now accused of embezzling almost $2 million from her boss. Apparently the thefts began around 2008, the year that Salomon's wife of more than 70 years died.

Secretaries, it seems, aren't as faithful as they used to be. But then, Wall Street isn't what it used to be, as Mr. Salomon lamented in 1991:

“In my time, the customer was God and we would no more take advantage of him than we’d fly out the window."

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