Monday, July 17, 2006

Phishing with Wachovia

How odd! We closed our account with Wachovia (then First Union ) ten years ago, yet the other day this e-mail arrived:

A click on the link led to this log-in page:

Not a bad imitation, except for the out-of-date logo. Here's Wachovia's real log-in page:

While visiting Wachovia online, we browsed the Wealth Management pages. Bit disconcerting to find life insurance sales mixed in with the fee services, but in general the material is neatly presented.

Check out this Wachovia's market-segments page. It links to messages aimed specifically at business owners, professionals, etc.

The market-segment approach is hard to pull off plausibly. (Does a plumbing-supply magnate's rollover IRA really differ from an oncologist's?) Still, the effort is worthwhile. Makes the reader feel welcome as a potential client. "Gosh, they do work for people like me!"

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