years ago, my Dad got a great stock tip: Buy Berkshire Hathaway at $33,000 per
share. Alas, that was too steep for him
at the time. Years later, when the B shares were created, he did buy some of
those. Accordingly, he can go to the annual meeting if he wishes, and he can
bring 3 guests. Five years ago, he took my Mom.
year I mentioned to Dad my interest in going to hear Warren Buffett speak. Mom came along for the trip, though her
interest in investing is low to none. We preceded the visit to Omaha with an
excellent trip to Branson.
my folks went the meeting five years ago, there were about 5,000
attendees. They took in the cocktail
party Friday, the barbecue Saturday night, the brunch on Sunday. This year, I
heard later, there were 30,000 attendees.
The cocktail party was an absolute zoo, so we skipped the other free
meeting started at 9:30, the movie at 8:30, so we planned to get to the arena
at about 8:00. Big mistake. The traffic to the arena was backed up about
a mile, three of the four parking lots at the arena were already full. We took our seats at about 8:45. Turns out the doors were scheduled to open at 7 am, but they opened early because it was unseasonably cold (presumably because of global warming). When thanked for this courtesy by a questioner, Buffett responded that if Berkshire sold coats they would not have opened the doors early.
first impression: Can the shareholders
of Berkshire Hathaway really be this young?
Loads of 20-somethings, 30-somethings.
I guess they must be, because guest privileges couldn’t account for all of it.
Second impression: It would be great if
they streamed this to the internet, to reduce costs and congestion all around.
I had thought to mention some of the meeting highlights, but the NYTimes Dealbook blog beat me to it. The Breaking Bad bit during the movie was particularly good. The contrast between Buffett and Munger was striking, they make a great team. The questions were mostly intelligent, the answers always were. I'd like to go again next year.