Friday, November 04, 2005

The Patient Gardener

I love it when someone else makes the case for Merrill Anderson's services. This time it a consultant writing in Financial Planning magazineThe Patient Gardener: Here's how drip marketing can help you cultivate your image with clients. (registration required). Sound advice here on list development and management.

The most important lesson: Sales requires many contacts. They don't all have to be high touch contacts, but there have to be many. Newsletters provide one very cost effective to achieve this.

1 comment:

JLM said...

Drip, drip, drip? Sounds like water torture!

I prefer the "standby" image. Just as prudent investors set up standby trusts, Merrill Anderson's clients need a "standby" sales presence.

Not long ago the company's venerable chairman shared with me a story one client told him. Seems this HNW geezer got really fed up with his investment adviser and decided to stash his investable wealth elsewhere. But where to turn? Well, for years he'd been getting a quite interesting newsletter from a local bank trust department. By golly, he thought, maybe I should move my money there. And he did!

Most new trust and investment accounts are the result of an event--anything from dissatisfaction with current financial arrangements to illness to divorce to winning the lottery. When such an event happens, your sales rep can't be at the front door ringing the bell. But your newsletter can already be on the premises.