Saturday, September 26, 2015

Yale 11.5, Harvard 5.8

For the fiscal year ending June 30, Yale's endowment recorded an 11.5% return, down from the previous year's 20.2% but handily beating Harvard's 5.8% return. (MIT outpaced even Yale, returning 13.2%.)

Hedge funds and private equity (giddy up, you unicorns!) now dominate Yale's portfolio. Because they're favored by Yale's endowment manager, David Swensen, these alternative assets should remain popular with UHNW investors.

Speaking of unicorns, if you're looking for an Advent calendar for a private equity player, The Metropolitan Museum of Art has just the ticket.


Jim Gust said...
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Jim Gust said...

And so another $2.6 billion in gains goes completely untaxed, while I have to pay state and federal taxes on 0.5% return I get on my savings.