Wednesday, June 08, 2016

So that's why Yahoo is for sale

Merrill Anderson's corporate website has been hosted by Yahoo ever since we created it. They had a division that catered to small business--they handle our corporate e-mail also.  They generally provided acceptable service.

Until last week.

Our website went down without explanation.  Getting through to a person there takes 2 hours on hold.  Initially they said our site was infected with malware and their engineers were working on it. No explanation as to how they allowed the malware in the first place.  They promised that the site would be back up in 24 hours.

This week the story changed.  They are offering to do nothing at all, we are on our own for finding and removing the malware.

So we're assessing our alternatives.  My understanding is that the small business division we work with was spun off by Yahoo some time ago.  The successor company is obviously interested only in collected fees from existing customers, not expanding or improving the services.  Your suggestions for a successor are welcome.

In the meantime, if you need to learn more about Merrill Anderson's products and services, contact Sirvydas Vebra at, or call us at 203.377.4996.

PS.  Because this blog is hosted by Google, I'm pretty confident that we won't have a problem with it.

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