Levine died this month at 83. Below are his portayals of Warren Buffett (1996) and Adam Smith (1978) . You can browse hundreds (no, thousands!) more Levine caricatures here.

Notes for trust officers, private bankers and others concerned with estate and trust planning, from a Merrill Anderson Senior Editor and his retired mentor.
[W]ith 46 to 68 millionaires in the Senate (the count hangs on whether one uses minimum or maximum net-worth numbers), will the chamber vote to maintain a tax that could damage its members’ own estates? Because 22 senators own at least $3.5 million and 14 own at least $7 million, should they recuse themselves from a vote that so directly affects their interests? The Center for Responsive Politics calculates the average wealth of US senators in 2008 at $13.9 million.
“What the average citizen doesn’t explicitly understand is that a significant part of the government’s plan to repair the financial system and the economy is to pay savers nothing and allow damaged financial institutions to earn a nice, guaranteed spread,” said William H. Gross, co-chief investment officer of the Pacific Investment Management Company, or Pimco. “It’s capitalism, I guess, but it’s not to be applauded.”
Mr. Gross said he read his monthly portfolio statement twice because he could not believe that the line “Yield on cash” was 0.01 percent. At that rate, he said, it would take him 6,932 years to double his money.
Nothing in this section shall require a broker or dealer or registered representative to have a continuing duty of care or loyalty to the customer after providing personalized investment advice about securities.Discount brokers prompted the "hat-switching" provision, according to lobbiyists.
But the best strategic outcome now is to let the death tax expire in January as scheduled under current law, and return to this debate next year when the tax rate is zero. Then let liberal Democrats explain to voters on the eve of elections that they must restore one of the most despised of all taxes.
What I take away from this is that when I’m dealing with sales people I need to be more demanding - like a rich person would be! Perhaps I’ll get more respect.
This is all good advice and I appreciate it. But, honestly, this advice applies to anyone ….
Dennis O'Doherty, an attorney in Sayville, N.Y., had a client who taped her will-signing because she was concerned that a problem child, to whom she was leaving less than her other children, would cause a fuss. She was right.On the other . . .
The adult child's attorney contacted Mr. O'Doherty earlier this year, after the mother had died, to say the child intended to contest the will, believing the mother hadn't been mentally fit to execute the document. Mr. O'Doherty told the attorney about the video and invited the attorney to his office to watch it. In the end, the child decided against moving ahead with a legal fight, Mr. O'Doherty says.
Attorneys generally caution against homemade videos, saying they are more likely to cause problems than those produced in consultation with an attorney. A video filmed by a beneficiary, for example, could give rise to conflict-of-interest questions.*** [V]ideos, whether used for estate or legacy planning, aren't substitutes for in-person discussions.