Friday, January 29, 2010

The real danger of "global warming"

I'm skeptical about the whether global warming is real, and if it is real, whether CO2 has anything to do with it. I've been skeptical from the beginning, and Climategate certainly confirmed my doubts.

So the real danger in global warming isn't from the climate, it's from misguided policies forced upon an unsuspecting public by the government bureaucrats who have "drunk the Kool-Aid" of global warmism. Cap and trade is one potential danger, but that one now appears to be in limbo.

The Wall Street Journal has identified another one. This isn't The Onion, it's real.

The agency that spent more than a decade ignoring evidence of Bernard Madoff's $50 billion fraud; the agency that spent even longer constructing a credit-ratings oligopoly that still threatens investors; the agency that in 2004 encouraged Wall Street firms to increase leverage and then failed to monitor them—this agency now has spare time to meditate on climate science.

Read the whole thing. I don't know, I just don't know.

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