The Journal looks on the bright side: Nations we've flooded with dollars now have something (banks) to buy with them.

Still, the $13.8 billion lost by UBS is no small sum. Multi-billion-dollar losses have become common, and we'll be seeing more of them, but even taken individually, they are enormous.
Imagine, please, that you are given $13.8 billion. You head straight for Vegas, determined to lose your vast fortune at the rate of $1 million a day. Seven days a week, week after week, month after month, year after year, you lose a million every day.
How long will it take you to lose all $13.8 billion? Twenty years? Thirty years?
Even longer! More than a third of a century will pass until, sometime in 2045, you finally go broke.
37 years and 9.5 months, by my reckoning.
I didn't realize that they were making mortgages that fast! To what extent are we seeing a variety of other bad investments being wiped off the books at the same time?
And the Citibank loss alone would take nearly half a century to generate, at $1 million per day.
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